An Origin of Violence

  • web art
  • interactive poetry


An Origin of Violence is an interactive photo-poem showcasing the relationship of different family members across generations to La Violenica, a civil war that ravaged Colombia and ends with my own. Through the project, I explore the paradox of an ‘origin story’ by highlighting the singularity and the multiplicity of it and that one's own origin begins long before their actual exsitence. Each stanza of the poem ends with 'The land has always been the land.'

The poem is intended to be performed or viewed in inimate circles.


  • Built with HTML/CSS/JS by Kevin Cadena
  • Illustrations by Kevin Cadena
  • Familial history and grounding told by Nidia Rincon
  • Family photos sourced by Nidia Rincon, Claudia Rincon, and Samantha Cadena

An Origin of Violence

Title Screen

An Origin of Violence

Sample of a stanza in the story, ending with 'The land has always be the land.'

An Origin of Violence

Some words are linked and hovering over will showcase a related image.

An Origin of Violence

Final stanza

An Origin of Violence

The project ends with an image log where viewers can experience the project in a different manner.