Citizen + Virtual

  • branding
  • poster design
  • community organizing


During the month of January, I directed a 5-Week Workshop Series between Brown University, Rhode Island School of Design, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Boston University called "Citizen + Virtual." The workshop was the third in the series and dealt with themes of Digital Citizenship. The Coordinators along with the 14 Participants chosen from Brown, RISD, and MIT met every Saturday at one of the four schools to deal with these topics more in depth.

Each day consisted of theory workshops, skill-based workshops and a guest speaker from the area. Along with this, participants also partnered up into teams and worked on group based projects that ranged from commentary on decentralized identity on the internet to speculative futures about digital technology's effect on relationships culminating in public events such as a movie screening and a final exhibit during the 5th week. All assets were designed by me .

Read the Final Write UpRISD Press

Citizen + Virtual

Logo I designed for the event
Set in Superior Light and Neue Haas Grotesk

Citizen + Virtual

Open Call Poster Made For the Event

Citizen + Virtual

Poster Designed for Public Event Series

Citizen + Virtual

Social Media Banners

Citizen + Virtual

T-shirts and Stickers

Citizen + Virtual

Documentation Photos

Citizen + Virtual

Documentation Photos

Citizen + Virtual Citizen + Virtual

Gallery Show Opening