<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S0.png">
By Kevin Cadena
[[Start | Begin Story]]
[[Ending Guidelines]]<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S02.png">
“I’m headed downstairs now” She says to Miguel.
"I'm sorry...I don't understand why you keep with this shop." Miguel says. He grabs a cup off the nightstand and takes a sip before continuing.
[["What do you mean?"->Explain Your Decision]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S03.png">
"These people don't appreciate you! Don't you feel weird helping those who only come only out of desperation? When their own religion has no answers?" He says.
[["You're Right, Miguel."]]
[["Miguel, You Don't Get it."]]
|==|<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S04.png">
"I’ve just been going and haven’t sat with my own feelings. It is exhausting to do this everyday for those who have never known the land or have forgotten its ways," Otara adds.
Miguel holds his hand out to Otara, "Come back to bed and forget this fitting in. We have each other. That's all that matters."
[[Grab Miguel’s hand.->Go Back To Bed]]
[[Head downstairs to open the shop.->Head Downstairs To Open The Shop]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S05.png">
"I can’t think about that right now. We just have to survive." She says,
"These mountains are older than //La Republica//," He says
"But that's what we deal with now," She says.
Miguel sighs, "Come back to bed, and forget all of that."
[[Ignore Miguel's Request.->Head Downstairs To Open The Shop]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S06.png">
Otara lays down in Miguel’s arms. They close their eyes and fall asleep, ignoring the growing complaints from outside their window.
### END
[[Play Again?->Start]]<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S07.png">
"Ideals feed my brain not my stomach, Miguel." Otara says, walking downstairs.
[[Open the Front Door.->Open The Shop]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S08.png">
Looking out the door, most passerbys avoid eye contact except the boyfriend of a couple.
Feeling her cheeks get a little warm, Otara recognizes the woman from the home at the end of the street.
[[Give them a smile. | Give a smile]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S09.png">
The boyfriend smiles reciprocates though the woman’s seems a little nervous.
"Martha! Jair! Come here!" Martha's mom screams urgently from down the street.
[[Watch them walk away. | Bruja Request]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S10.png">
"I'm a good catholic, I promise. I don't normally mess with any of this but..." She pauses. "I've been with my boyfriend for a few years now and he doesn’t want to get married! Please, help! " She says.
Otara presses her lips for a moment.
[["Follow my instructions and he should propose by tomorrow morning." | Fix Her]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S11.png">
"Well, I never!" The woman states, storming off. An older man then comes up to Otara, "Excuse me, //bruja//. Can you help an old fellow with his problems?"
Martha's mom is still scolding them.
[[“Yes, of course, Elder. Follow me. ” | Next Guest]]
[[“Sorry, elder. I’m not in the right headspace for this” | Reject Him]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S12.png">
“So much for respecting your elders! I thought us living in cities were proud to be part of //La Republica//!" The older man scorns.
"Be careful who you anger, //viejo//! You seem to forget what I'm capable of," Otara yells. As the older man passes the end of the street, the mom stops scolding Martha and Jair and all three look back at Otara nervously.
[[Go inside.]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S13.png">
As Otara turns around to shut the door, a hand presses against her mouth. “Don’t scream, I'm in need of your services." the unknown figure whispers.
[[Elbow them in the gut. | Elbow]]
[[Motion to the table. | Hooded Guest]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S14.png">
The mysterious figure pulls back. As Otara turns around, she sees that they are concealing their face with a hood.
"You will regret this." they say. The hooded figure disappears and a stillness fills space.
[[Feel your breathing. | Miguel screams]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S15.png">
As Otara sprints up the stairs, they break beneath her feet. She falls into the void, the light of the world above her dimming until there is only darkness.
### END
[[Play Again?->Start]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S15-05.png">
"My grandparents were from the region but I’m proud to be part of the future of //La Republica//. I even believe that older ways still have a place in the new world.” He says.
Otara raises her eyebrows.
[[ “Oh really? How so?” | Egg Him]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S17.png">
She pays Otara and runs out the door gleefully, "Ah! I can’t believe it! I’m going to be in love for the rest of my life! Thank you so much!"
[[ Take the next guest. | Next Guest]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S17.png">
Otara, a little startled, grabs something off her shelf and hands it to the older man. “Here, use him this, elder.” She says.
"Thank you so much, //bruja//" The old man smiles, pays Otara and leaves.
[[ Take the next guest. | Hooded Guest]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S18.png">
The figure conceals their face with a hood.
"I’ve been seeing a couple. The man, he smiles at me when no one else will. We can never be together but I can’t help it.The woman he's with angers me! I know she thinks she’s better than me. She’s just a baker’s daughter!” The figure says, their voice eerily familiar.
Otara's hair stands on its ends.
[[ "So, what is it exactly you want me to do?" | Miguel Storms ]]
[["I don't know if I can really help you." | Miguel Storms ]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S19.png">
As Otara finishes her sentence, Miguel storms downstairs past the two and out the door. Otara's eyes widened.
[["Wait, Miguel, where are you going?" | Follow Him Out ]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S20.png">
Otara runs out after him, passing by Martha and Jair to the corner of the street and grabbing him by the arm. "I can’t listen to these requests you get anymore. Remember the Myth of the Garden? I can’t sit by as you prevent it!"
[["And where will the flowers bloom from?" | Argue ]]
[[ "I'm sorry, Miguel. I want the garden too." | Agree ]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S21.png">
"They’ll bloom from me! Yet you judge about what I have to do to survive!" Otara continues.
"I'm leaving, Otara!" Miguel states.
"What?" Otara says with a stunned look.
"Come with me to the //selvas//, or fend for yourself here alone. This is your last chance." He states.
Martha and Jair pretend they aren't listening.
[[Choose Miguel. | Miguel]]
[[Choose the Shop. | Shop]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S22.png">
"I'm sorry, Otara. I tried but I have to go back to where I belong." Miguel states.
"What?" Otara says with a stunned look.
"I want us to be together, I’ll take care of you. Come with me, please." He continues.
Martha and Jair pretend they aren't listening.
[[Choose Miguel. | Miguel]]
[[Choose the Shop. | Shop]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S24.png">
"The city is a good place for you after all," Miguel says, "I hope you manipulate someone into marrying you and then can manipulate your child into taking over your business." As he walks off, Otara feels a tightness in her chest.
Martha and Jair are no longer pretending to not be paying attention.
[[Run back to the shop. | Go back]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S23.png">
Otara takes a deep breath, closes her eyes and then holds her hand out. Miguel smiles as he grabs it. “I love you, Otara” He says.
“I love you too” She replies. The two walk off down the hill towards the sunset. Martha and Jair peak from around the corner of the building.
### END
[[Play Again?->Start]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S25.png">
Otara slams the door shut. "Why my //antepasados//? Isn't life hard enough? Why can't I have what I want?" Otara says to herself.
As she looks at her shop setup, she seeks there's a note stuck to the chair.
[[ Read the Note. | Read Note]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S26.png">
"This isn't over," It reads, sending a chill up Otara's spine. As she goes to burn the note, someone knocks at the door.
"//Bruja!// I need your help! My mother is ill. Please!" A voice says. Otara sniffles and wipes her eyes as she approaches the door.
[[Throw yourself into your work. | The Next Morning]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S27.png">
Otara opens the door as a litany of voices bursts through.
"This person has wronged me," One says.
"Please help me get a job" Another states.
"How can I fix this?" A further one asks.
[[Solve all their issues. | Solve Issues]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S28.png">
"Thank you! Bless You! You're not so bad!" The voices said.
[[Keep Solving Their Issues. | Keep Solving]]<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S30.png">
"My son is taking over the business only because he plans to sell it. Now I'm going to be left without a business because of you!" Another states.
[[Endure more.]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S31.png">
"No wonder people are scared to look at you!" One says.
"No wonder Miguel left, what use are you?!" Another Asks.
“No wonder you’ll never be a productive part of //La Republica//!” A further one states.
Otara closes her eyes.
[[“Say what you will. You will not define me!”| Endure Again]]
[[“You fools! You forget the power I wield!”| Lash Out]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S32.png">
With deep breaths, the voices swirl around Otara until finally stopping. She opens her eyes and it's early morning, the door is open and light is coming in.
[[Look out the door. |Look out the Door]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S33.png">
“We’re sorry!” One says.
“We’ll respect you as you should be!” Another states.
“Do you like //Bruja?// I can call you something else!” A further one asks.
"I told you I'd be back" a final one states. It's the hooded figure.
[["What do you want?" | Chair ]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S34.png">
Otata sees Martha and Jair from her door. Jair makes eye contact and smiles.
"He looks just like Miguel," Otara says, her eyes widening.
[[“Maybe we can be friends…” | Approach]]
[["It’s never meant to be." | Approach]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S35.png">
Jair motions to Otara to come over though when Martha sees her walking towards them, she yells, “Stop right there, //bruja!//”
Otara obeys. “Martha,” Jair states.
“Jair's just being neighborly!" Martha says as they both proceed to quickly go inside.
“But, I…” Otara stutters as she clenches her teeth, alone in the streeth.
[[ Go back inside. | Upset]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S13.png">
As Otara turns around and shuts the door, a hand covers her mouth. "I told you I'd be back. We can help one another, We can help ease each other's pain," a familiar voice says.
"I'll remove my hand if you promise not to scream," They propose.
[[Motion to the table. | Chair ]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S38.png">
"I’ve been…seeing a couple, they look so happy. The man, he smiles at me when no one else will or has.” The figure says. Miguel’s face flashes. “We can never be together but I can’t help it.” The figure continues, Jair’s face flashing.
"The woman he's with angers me. I know she thinks she’s better than me even though she’s just a baker’s daughter!” The figure says as Martha’s face flashes.
Otara’s clenches her fist.
[["What do you want from me?" | Proposition]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S37.png">
“To put her in her place. Haunt her however you see fit," The figure says.
"Accept, and you’ll reach your goals. Refuse and you’ll spend your life weighed down."
[["Who is this person?"]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S40.png">
The hooded figure smiles and disappears.
[[Start Preparing.->Next Haunting]]<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S36.png">
“Very well…You're left with different choice then.” The hooded figure states as they disappear. Otara feels a stillness in the space her body begins shaking.
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S44.png">
That night, Martha heads into her room and tuns off the lights, yelling “Goodnight, Mami! Goodnight, Papi!”
Getting into bed, she looks at the pitch black ceiling, it seems to stare right back.
[[ Take a deep breath. |Next Scene]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S43.png">
Otara closes her eyes and falls from Martha's cieling, the light of the world inside her dimming until there is only darkness. Her weight suddenly pressing against Martha's chest.
"You! All of you! You think you're better than us!" Otara yells.
### END
[[Credits | Ending]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S50.png">
## By Kevin Cadena
Story adapted from a familial tale of a great aunt's encounter with a //bruja//.
Built using Twine 2's Story Format Harlow 3.38
All Illustrations by Kevin Cadeua using Aesprite
Font is Pixelfy Sans
[[Play Again?->Start]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S41.png">
Otara grabs the picture off the wall and leaves her home. She passes the corner, overhearing Jair and Martha enjoying themselves.
She walks down the hill towards the sunrise, alone.
### END
[[Credits | Ending]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S29.png">
Slowly, the voices change their tone.
"What am I going to do now because of you! My boyfriend proposed but now he doesn’t want a large wedding!!" One says.
[[Endure. |Endure]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S01.png">
Otara wakes up next to her partner, Miguel. She walks over to a small shrine she's built for her //antepasados//.
[[Light the candles in prayer. |Give Thanks To Them]]<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S09-05.png">
"What did I tell you about passing by that house!?" Martha's mom yells. Meanwhile a younger woman comes up panting.
"Excuse me, //bruja//! Are you open? I'm in need!" She fervently states.
Otara's smile has fully fade.
[["Yes, //senorita//! Please come in!" | Lead her]]
[["I'm enjoying my morning here, //perra//!" | Reject Her]]
|==|<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S14-05.png">
The walls begin to melt. Miguel’s yell breaks through, "Otara, where are you!?"
"Miguel!" Otara calls out.
[[ Run upstairs. | Run up]]
<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S42.png">
Otara grabs the picture off of the wall and closes her eyes. She sits in the stillness of the space until the floor breaks beneath her, falling deeper into the void.
The light of the world above her dimming until there is only darkness.
### END
[[Credits | Ending]]<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S39.png">
“I think you know,” The figure states as the bottom half of the figure’s face comes into view. It couldn’t be…
"The choice is yours," they say.
[[Accept the Figure's desires. | Accept ]]
[[Refuse them no matter what comes. | Refuse ]]
|==|<img class="illus" src="https://kevincadena.com/otara/assets/S16.png">
The older man furrows his brows. “I’ve worked hard building a business to support my family and raising that family in the rules of today and what do I get in return? An ungrateful son who wants to run off back to countryside."
The old man's breathing gets heavier until he slams his hand on the table. “He needs to stay!” He says.
[[Help the older man. | Fix Him]]
## Ending Guidelines
Ifyou're more interested in getting the story or specific outcome. You can follow these guidelines.
* You'll get short endings if you choose any outcome that isn't in service of the shop (e.g. Miguel or refusing to help guests)
* You'll get long endings if you continually choose the shop and helping customers.
You can also use Twine's back arrows to go back when an ending scene comes up. That way you don't have to start the story over each time.
[[Back |Start]]