Ikimantou El-Hadji
Artist, High School of Language and Innovation, Bronx, NY
Ikimantou El-Hadji is a 17-year old currently attending the High School of Language and Innovation in the Bronx. She came to New York when she was 15 years old from Togo, North Africa. Ikimantou enjoys working in mediums that involve drawing and fashion. She discovered her passion for colors when she was eight years old. She began her art practice because she was inspired by her personality and her desire to study art in great depth. Ikimantou is optimistic and every day she puts in the utmost effort to discover, create, and learn new ideas that can make her dreams come true. In the future Ikimantou plans on becoming a social worker. This desire is rooted in her wanting to use her knowledge to help other people. Ikimantou wants to travel around the world so that she can experience and learn more about peoples’ lives.