Trinise Owens
Animator, Edward R. Murrow High School, Brooklyn, NY
Trinise Owens is a senior at Edward R. Murrow High School in Brooklyn, New York. She was born and raised in Coney Island. Growing up, she didn’t have much and the path to achieve her goals felt like an everyday struggle. Trinse has a blooming interest in acting, astronomy, and of course, the arts. Animation, in particular, has been quite the entertainment for her and she looks forward to the opportunities it can bring. Her interest in animation derives from her love for cartoons and anime which heavily influence her work as an artist. Her portfolio includes a variety of mediums such as oil paintings, sculptures and digital work. Her goal is to study animation in college and develop a name for herself as an artist. Trinise is full of life and welcomes you to accompany her on her journey. Her accomplishments include being a participant in the Scholastics Arts and Writing Awards and received the Gold and Silver Key Awards.
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